sâmbătă, 25 iunie 2011



Romania has a temperate climate, similar to the northeastern United States, with four distinct seasons.
Spring is pleasant with cool mornings and nights and warm days.
Summer is quite warm, with extended sunny days. The hottest areas in summer are the lowlands in southern and eastern Romania where 100 F is often reached in July and August. Temperatures are always cooler in the mountains.
Autumn is dry and cool, with fields and trees producing colorful foliage, much like New England.
Winters can be cold, especially in the mountains. While not the rule, abundant snowfalls may occur throughout the country, from December to mid-March.
There are significant regional differences of the climate between different regions of Romania.
Weather history for Bucharest - www.wunderground.com/history/...
Average temperatures (°F)
Month Bucharest Western
The Black Sea
January 26 28 34 31
February 31 34 34 34
March 40 41 42 39
April 52 52 52 55
May 62 61 61 66
June 69 67 66 75
July 71 67 69 79
August 70 65 69 79
September 65 65 65 70
October 53 53 55 62
November 41 43 45 52
December 34 34 36 43
The above temperatures are averages. Please keep in mind that variances can be as high as +/- 60°F at midday during the Summer or over night during the Winter.
Romania Weather Forecast - www.weather.com/...
Bucharest Weather Forecast - http://www.weather.com/outlook/travel/businesstraveler/local/...
Facts about Romania's climate:

Warmest month: July
Coldest month: January
Record High Temperature:
44.5°C (112°F) - August 10, 1951 South-Eastern Romania
Record Low Temperature:
-38.5°C (-37.3°F) - January 24, 1942 (Central Romania)
Average annual Rainfall: 26 inches.

Timisoara City Map (Harta Orasului Timisoara)

Timisoara City Map (Harta Orasului Timisoara)

Timisoara City Map (Harta Orasului Timisoara)
Each map and image in this Website is legally protected by U.S. & International
copyright laws and may NOT be used for reproduction in any manner without
the explicit authorization of the Romanian National Tourist Office.

Targu Jiu City Map (Harta Orasului Targu-Jiu)

Targu Jiu City Map (Harta Orasului Targu-Jiu)

Targu Jiu City Map (Harta Orasului Targu-Jiu)
Each map and image in this Website is legally protected by U.S. & International
copyright laws and may NOT be used for reproduction in any manner without
the explicit authorization of the Romanian National Tourist Office.

Sighisoara City Map (Harta Orasului Sighisoara)

Sighisoara City Map (Harta Orasului Sighisoara)

Sighisoara City Map (Harta Orasului Sighisoara)
Each map and image in this Website is legally protected by U.S. & International
copyright laws and may NOT be used for reproduction in any manner without
the explicit authorization of the Romanian National Tourist Office.

Sibiu City Map (Harta Orasului Sibiu)

Sibiu City Map (Harta Orasului Sibiu)

Sibiu City Map (Harta Orasului Sibiu)
Each map and image in this Website is legally protected by U.S. & International
copyright laws and may NOT be used for reproduction in any manner without
the explicit authorization of the Romanian National Tourist Office.

Oradea City Map (Harta Orasului Oradea)

Oradea City Map (Harta Orasului Oradea)

Oradea City Map (Harta Orasului Oradea)
Each map and image in this Website is legally protected by U.S. & International
copyright laws and may NOT be used for reproduction in any manner without
the explicit authorization of the Romanian National Tourist Office.

duminică, 19 iunie 2011

Oradea City Map (Harta Orasului Oradea)

Oradea City Map (Harta Orasului Oradea)

Oradea City Map (Harta Orasului Oradea)
Each map and image in this Website is legally protected by U.S. & International
copyright laws and may NOT be used for reproduction in any manner without
the explicit authorization of the Romanian National Tourist Office.

Iasi City Map (Harta Orasului Iasi)

Iasi City Map (Harta Orasului Iasi)

Iasi City Map (Harta Orasului Iasi)
Each map and image in this Website is legally protected by U.S. & International
copyright laws and may NOT be used for reproduction in any manner without
the explicit authorization of the Romanian National Tourist Office.

Romanian Language

Romanian Language

Romanian (limba română) is the official language of Romania. The name Romania, and its derivatives, come from the Latin word 'Romanus', a legacy of Roman rulers who took control of ancient Dacia in 106 A.D. Romanian retains a number of features of old Latin and also contains many words taken from the surrounding Slavic languages, as well as from French, Old Church Slavonic, German, Greek and Turkish.
Romanian is actually easier for English speakers to understand than it is assumed. If you’ve studied other Romance language, such as Italian, Spanish, French or Portuguese, you may feel at home sooner than you think.  Romanian is a phonetic language, so words are pronounced as they are spelled.
A foreigner trying to learn or speak Romanian can expect positive reactions from native speakers. Most Romanian will certainly appreciate the fact that you are making an effort to speak their language.
Interesting fact:
  • Romanian holds the intriguing status of being the only member of the Romance language family spoken in Eastern Europe.
Other languages used in Romania
English has quickly overtaken French as the country’s second language, especially with the young people. Communicating in English in large towns in cities should not be a problem.
French and German can also be useful. In the past, Romania had a sizable German minority population; nowadays the number of native German speakers is declining. However, the German language is still widely used in the Transylvania region.
Hungarian is used in Eastern Transylvania and in some cities like Miercurea-Ciuc, Târgu-Mureş, Oradea, Cluj-Napoca, Satu-Mare and in the Covasna and Harghita counties. 
Other Romance languages (especially Spanish and Italian) are also studied by most people in schools and are therefore spoken with a pretty good level of fluency.   


The Romanian alphabet has 31 letters, similar to the ones in the English alphabet, with the exception of five special letters called 'diacritics': ă (like the 'a' in English word 'musical'), ș (pronounced as 'sh'), ț (pronounced 'ts'), â, î (have the same reading, without an English equivalent).
Certain letters (and letter combinations) are pronounced differently than they are in English.
Romanian LettersPronunciation
ăas in father
î, âNo English equivalent
eas in tell
i[e] as in pick
jas in leisure
şas in shoe
ţ[ts] as in fits
ceas in check
gi[dsi] as in gin
ge[dse] as in gender
chi[ki] as in skill
che[ke] as in chemistry
ghi[gi] as in give
ghe[ge] as in guess


SalutationsFormule de salut 
Good morning.Bună dimineaţa.Boo-nuh di-mi-na-tsa
Hello/Good day.Bună ziua.Boo-nuh zee-wa.
Good evening.Bună seara.Boo-nuh sea-ra.
Good-bye.La revedere.La rev-eh-de-ray
Good night.Noapte bună.Nwap-te boo-nuh
My name is . . .Numele meu este …Noo-me-le meu yes-te ...
What is your name?Cum vă numiţi?Koom vuh noo-mits?
How are you?Ce mai faceţi?Che may fa-chets
I’m fine, thanks.Bine, mulţumesc.Bee-nay, mool-tsoo-mesk
Do you speak English?
. . .  Romanian?
Vorbiţi englezeşte?
. . .  româneşte?
Vor-bits en-gle-zesh-te
. . .  ro-mi-nesh-te
Yes, a little.
Da, puţin.
Da, poo-tsin.
Please speak slowly.Vă rog, vorbiţi mai rar.Vuh rog, vor-bits may rar
How do you say . . . ?Cum se spune  . . . ?Koom se spoo-ne . . . ?
Do you understand?Înţelegeţi?In-tse-le-jets
I don’t understand.Nu înţeleg.Noo in-tse-leg
Please repeat it.Vă rog, repetaţi.Vuh rog, re-pe-tats
I’m sorry.Îmi pare rău.Im pa-re rau
Where are you staying?Unde staţi?Oon-de stats?
I’m at the … hotel.Stau la Hotelul …Stau la ho-te-lool …
Good / Very good.Bine / Foarte bine.Boon / Fwar-tay boo-na
May I ?Se poate?Se pwa-te? 
Thank you.Mulţumesc.Mool-tsoo-mesk
You’re welcomeCu plăcereKoo pluh-che-re
I don’t know.Nu ştiu.Noo shtee-u
I would like...Aş vrea...Osh vray-a
...and / or......şi / sau...shee / sow
I have / We haveAm / Avem...Ahm / Ah-vum
What are you doing?Ce faceţi?Che fa-chets
I beg your pardon?Poftiţi?Pof-tits
Excuse me...Scuzaţi-mă. . .Skoo-za-tsi ma

twelvedoisprezecedoy -spre-ze-che
thirteentreisprezecetrey -spre-ze-che
fifteencincisprezecechinch '-spre-ze-che
twentydouăzecido-wuh zech'
twenty-onedouăzeci şi unudo-wuh-zech' shi oo-noo
twenty-twodouăzeci şi doido-wuh-zech' shi doy
fortypatruzecipa-troo- zech'
fiftycincizecichinch'- zech'
sixtyşaizecishay- zech'
seventyşaptezecishap-te- zech'
one hundredo sutăsoo-tuh
two hundreddouă sutedo-wuh soo-te

I have a reservation.Am o rezervare.Am o re-zer-va-re.
Do you have a double room?
. . . single
Aveţi o cameră dublă? 
. . . single
A-vets o ka-me-ruh 
do-wuh per-swa-me?
. . . o per-swa-nuh     
Do you have a room with a bath?
. . . a shower
. . . air conditioning
. . . twin beds
Aveţi o cameră cu baie?

. . . duş
. . . aer condiţionat
. . . două paturi
A-vets o ka-me-ruh cu 
. . . doosh
. . . a-er kon-di-tsyo-nat 
. . . do-wuh pa-toor’
What is the rate per day?Cât costă pe zi?Kit kos-tuh pe zi?
Is breakfast included?Micul dejun e inclus?Mic de-jun ye in-kloo-suh?
Your name, please?
. . . address
Numele dumneavoastră, 
vă rog? 
Adresa . . .
Noo-me-le doom-nea-vwas-truh, vuh-rog?
A-dre-sa . . .
Please wake me up at 6 am.Vă rog, treziţi-mă
la şase dimineaţa.
Vuh rog, tre-zi-tsi-muh la sha-se di-mi-nea-tsa.
On what floor is my room?La ce etaj e camera mea?La che e-tazh ye ka-me-ra mea?
I need ice,
. . . . another blanket
. . . an electric fan
. . . a heater
. . . an iron
. . . a light bulb
. . . a pillow
. . . shampoo
. . . soap
. . . toilet paper
. . . a towel
Am nevoie de gheaţă,
vă rog.

. . . încă o pătură
. . . un ventilator 
. . . un reşou 
. . . un fier de călcat 
. . . un bec 
. . . o pernă
. . . şampon 
. . . săpun
. . . hârtie igienică
. . . un prosop
Am ne-vo-ye de gea-tsuh,
vuh rog.
. . . in-kuh o puh-too-ruh
. . . oon ven-ti-la-tor
. . . oon re-shoh
. . . oon fyer de kuhl-kat 
. . . oon bek
. . . o per-nuh
. . . sham-pon
. . . suh-poon
. . . hîr-tee-ye i-ji-e-ni-kuh
. . . oon pro-sop
At what time is breakfast served?La ce oră se serveşte micul dejun?La che o-ruh se ser-vesh-te
mi-kool de-zhoon?
I'm leaving today.Plec astăzi.Plek as-tuhz'.
Please call a taxiVă rog, chemaţi un taxi.Vuh rog, ke-ma-tsim’oon ta-xi.

Do you accept traveler’s checks?
. . . credit card?
Acceptaţi cecuri de călătorie? 
. . . Carte de credit?
Ak-chep-tats’ che-koor’ de kuh-luh-to-ri-ye?
. . . kar-tea as-ta de kre-dit
Where is a foreign currency exchange?
. . . a bank
Unde e un birou de schimb valutar?
. . . o bancă
Oon-de ye oon bi-row deskimb va-loo-tar?
. . .o ban-ka
What is today’s exchange rate?Care e cursul de schimb astăzi?Ka-re ye koor-sool de skimb as-tuhz’
Please change this to lei.Schimbaţi-mi în lei, vă rog.Skim-bats ‘m in lay, vuh-rog
Where is the
. . . metro station?
. . . train station
. . . bus stop
. . . ticket office
. . . information desk
. . . exit to the street
Unde e . . . ?
staţia de metrou
. . . gara 
. . . staţia de autobuz  
. . . casa de bilete
. . . biroul de informaţii
. . . ieşirea spre stradă
Oon-de ye  . . . ?
. . . sta-tsya de me-troh
. . . ga-ra
. . . sta-tsya de a-oo-to-booz
. . . ka-sa de bi-le-te?
. . . bi-ro-ool de in-for-ma-tsiy
. . . ye-shi-rea spre stra-duh
How much is a
ticket ?
. . . one-way
. . . round-trip
. . . first-class
. . . second-class
Cât costă
un bilet ? 

. . . dus
. . . dus - întors   
. . . la clasa întâi 
. . . la clasa a doua
Kit kos-tuh
oon bi-let ?
. . . doos
. . . doos shi în-tors
. . . la kla-sa yn-tyi 
. . . la kla-sa a do-wa
Is there a special . . . rate?
. . . college students
. . . senior-citizens
Există tarif redus pentru. . .?
. . . studenţi 
 . . . pensionari
E-xis-tuh ta-rif re-doos
pen-tru . . .?
. . . stoo-dents'
. . . pen-syo-nar'
Smoking or     
Fumători sau 
Foo-muh-tor' sau

At what time does the
train leave for… ?
La ce oră pleacă trenul spre …?La che o-ruh plea-kuh
tre-nool / spre ...?
At what time does the train get to …?La ce oră ajunge trenul la ...?La che o-ruh a-zhoon-je tre-nool la ...?
Is there a . . . ?
. . . dining car
. . . sleeping car
Există . . . ?
. . .vagon-restaurant
. . .vagon de dormit
E-xis-tuh . . . ?
. . . va-gon res-ta-oo-rant
. . . va-gon de dor-mit
Where can I rent a car?Unde pot închiria o maşină?Oon-de pot in-ki-rya o
Do you know the road to?ştiţi drumul spre …?Shtiu droo-mool spre… ?
Is the road good?
. . . bad
Drumul e bun?
. . . prost
Droo-mool ye boon?
. . . prost
Which town does this road lead to?Spre ce oraş duce drumul ăsta?Spre che o-rash doo-che
droo-mool uhs-ta
How many kilometers to?Câţi kilometri sunt până
la.... ?
Kits' ki-lo-me-tri sint pi-nuh
la ...?
Could you direct me . . . ?
. . . to the next town
. . . to the highway
. . . to the parking lot
Cum se ajunge  . . . ?
 . . . în următorul oraş 
 . . . pe autostradă
 . . . la parcare
Koom se a-zhoon-je . . . ?
. . . in oor-muh-to-rool o-rash
. . . pe a-oo-to-stra-duh
. . . la par-ka-re
Is it far?E departe?Ye de-par-te?
Could you direct me to...?
. . .  a garage
. . . a gas station
Cum se ajunge la . . . ?
. . . un garaj
. . . o benzinărie
Koom se a-zhoon-je la  ?
. . . oon ga-rash
. . . o ben-zi-nuh-ree-ye
I need gasoline.Am nevoie de benzină.Am ne-vo-ye de ben-zi-nuh.
Please fill the tank up.Vă rog, faceţi plinul.Vuh rogfa-chets' pli-nool.
Where can I find a mechanic?Unde pot găsi un mecanic?Oon-de pot guh-si oon
Please repair . . .
. . . the tire
. . . the headlight
Vă rog, reparaţi  . . .
. . . cauciucul
. . . farul
Vuh rog, re-pa-rats . . .
. . . ka-oo-chyu-kool
. . . fa-rool
How much will it cost?Cât costă?Kit kos-tuh?
When will it be ready?Când e gata?Kind ye ga-ta?
Emergency ExitIeşire de incendiuYe-shi-re de in-chen-dyu
Speed LimitLimită de vitezăLi-mi-tuh de vi-te-zuh
Reduce SpeedReduceţi vitezaRe-doo-chets' vi-te-za
No ParkingParcare interzisăPar-ka-re in-ter-zi-suh
No StandingStaţionarea interzisăSta-tsyo-na-rea  in-ter-zi-suh
One Way StreetStradă cu sens unicStra-duh koo sens oo-nik
Right TurnCurbă la dreaptaKoor-buh la dreap-ta
Left TurnCurbă la stângaKoor-buh la stîn-ga
Dangerous CurveCurbă periculoasăKoor-buh pe-ri-koo-lwa-suh
Sharp TurnViraj bruscVi-razh broosk
Keep RightStaţi pe dreaptaStats' pe dreap-ta
Keep LeftStaţi pe stângaStats' pe stîn-ga
Automobiles ProhibitedInterzis pentru automobileIn-ter-zis pen-troo
Vehicles ProhibitedInterzis pentru vehiculeIn-ter-zis pen-troo ve-hi-ko-le
No EntryIntrarea interzisăIn-tra-rea in-ter-zi-suh
No AdmittanceIntrarea oprităIn-tra-rea o-pri-tuh
OverpassPasaj superiorPa-sazh soo-pe-ri-or de ni-vel
UnderpassPasaj subteranPa-sazh in-fe-ri-or de ni-vel
This WayPe aiciPeh a-ich'
RailroadCale feratăKa-le fe-ra-tuh
Railroad CrossingTrecere peste calea feratăTre-che-re  pes-te
ka-lea fe-ra-tuh
First Aid StationPost de prim ajutorPost de prim a-zhoo-tor
No SmokingFumatul interzisFoo-ma-tool in-ter-zis



Foreign visitors consider Romanians among the friendliest and most hospitable people on earth. Romanians are by nature fun loving, warm, hospitable, playful, with an innate sense of humor.
Romania is associated with big names in arts and sports:
Constantin Brancusi — one of the most acclaimed modern sculptors.
Angela Gheorghiu, one of the world's greatest opera soprano -www.angelagheorghiu.com
Alexandra Nechita — a young Romanian painter living in California, known for her distinct style. For more info about Alexandra and her art please visit:http://alexandranechita.com/
Ilie Nastase — Twice ranked as the world's number one men's player in the early 1970s, Ilie Nastase won two Grand Slam singles titles during his illustrious career - the US Open in 1972 and the French Open in 1973. One of the greatest touch players of the post-war era, Nastase was runner-up at Wimbledon in 1972 and 1976 and, in all, he won 57 career singles titles and 51 doubles titles. Nastase is still one of crowd's favorites at the U.S. Open.
Nadia Comaneci — Olympic champion gymnast, the first in the world to score a perfect 10.
Other world renowned Romanian artists include the writer Eugen Ionesco, pan flute virtuoso Gheorghe Zamfir, piano player Radu Lupu and musician George Enescu.
New Book !
 - Think Italy, not vampires
Romania seen by Jim Rosapepe, a former ambassador to Romania, and his journalist wife Sheilah Kast (www.draculaisdead.com).
About 21,700,000 people live in Romania.
Ethnic breakdown is 89% Romanian 7.5% Hungarian, 1.9% Gypsy, German, Ukrainian, Armenian, Croatian, Serbian and Turkish. More than 55% of Romania's population lives in towns and cities.
There are 263 towns in Romania out of which 25 have a population of more than 100,000 while 8 cities count more than 300,000 inhabitants.
45 % of Romanians live in rural areas: 2,868 communes and 13,285 villages.
The administrative divisions are called "judet" (county).
There are 41 counties in Romania.
The capital city, Bucharest, has the status of a county.
Bucharest — the capital of Romania has a population of more than 2,200,000.

» Main religions in Romania

Eastern Orthodox 87%,
Roman Catholic 5%
Protestant 5%.

» Language

Romanian, a Latin based language which is a continuation of the Latin spoken in ancient times in Dacia and Moesia — the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire.
A 31-letter Latin alphabet is in use.

Ethnic minorities (Hungarian and German) use their own languages in school and civil administration.
Literacy rate in Romania is 98%.

Most Romanians living in towns and cities are able to communicate in English, French or German. In smaller villages only younger people and children speak one or more foreign languages.
For more information about Romanian language, a pronunciation guide and useful words and phrases please visit
To order the comprehensive "Romanian - English/ English Romanian Dictionary & Phrasebook" please e-mail: orders@hippocrenebooks.com or visitwww.hippocrenebooks.com 
The book also includes information about Romania's historical and cultural background. $12.95 paperback; ISBN 0-7818-0921-5
Learn Romanian in Romania - Romanian Language Classes

» Public Holidays

January 1 and 2: New Year
Monday following Orthodox Easter: March, April or early May (date varies)
May 1: Labor Day
Rusaliile: (Christian Orthodox Religious Holiday - celebrated 50 days after Easter)
August 15: Saint Mary's Day
December 1: National Day
December 25-26: Christmas
Dates of the Orthodox Easter (public holiday):
2011 - April 24 and 25
2012 - April 15 and 16
2013 - May 5 and 6
2014 - April 20 and 21
2015 - April 12 and 13
Dates of Rusaliile (public holiday):
2011 - June 19 and 20
2012 - June 3 and 4
2013 - June 23 and 24
2014 - June 8 and 9
2015 - May 31 and June 1
Several religious holidays including feasts of St. John (January 7), St. George (April 23), Sts. Peter & Paul (June 29), St. Mary (August 15), St. Michael (November 8) and St. Nicholas (December 6) are observed throughout the year in rural areas.
It is customary for Romanians all over the country to celebrate their Saint's Name Day (Ziua Onomastica).
Ethnic minorities celebrate their own holidays.



Romania has a temperate climate, similar to the northeastern United States, with four distinct seasons.
Spring is pleasant with cool mornings and nights and warm days.
Summer is quite warm, with extended sunny days. The hottest areas in summer are the lowlands in southern and eastern Romania where 100 F is often reached in July and August. Temperatures are always cooler in the mountains.
Autumn is dry and cool, with fields and trees producing colorful foliage, much like New England.
Winters can be cold, especially in the mountains. While not the rule, abundant snowfalls may occur throughout the country, from December to mid-March.
There are significant regional differences of the climate between different regions of Romania.
Weather history for Bucharest - www.wunderground.com/history/...
Average temperatures (°F)
The Black Sea
The above temperatures are averages. Please keep in mind that variances can be as high as +/- 60°F at midday during the Summer or over night during the Winter.
Romania Weather Forecast - www.weather.com/...
Facts about Romania's climate:

Warmest month: July
Coldest month: January
Record High Temperature:
44.5°C (112°F) - August 10, 1951 South-Eastern Romania
Record Low Temperature:
-38.5°C (-37.3°F) - January 24, 1942 (Central Romania)
Average annual Rainfall: 26 inches.



Located halfway between the Equator and the North Pole, Romania is the 12th largest country in Europe. 
Romania’s terrain is almost evenly divided between mountains, hills and plains.

» The Carpathian Mountains

Although not as high as the Alps, the Carpathian Mountains extend over 600 miles in Romania, in the shape of an arch. They are divided into three major ranges: the Eastern (Oriental) Carpathians, the Southern Carpathians (also known as the Transylvanian Alps), and the Western Carpathians. Each of these ranges feature a variety of landscapes, due to the different types of terrain (glacial, karstic, structural, and volcanic).
Romania’s mountains are a great destination for numerous outdoor activities including: climbing, hiking, biking and river-rafting. Some of the most popular ski resorts are Poiana Brasov, Sinaia, Predeal, Vatra Dornei, Lake Balea and Paltinis.
Romania Geography

» The Danube Delta

Danube River ends its journey of almost 1864 miles through Europe in south-eastern Romania. Here the river divides into 3 frayed branches (Chilia, Sulina, Sfântu Gheorghe) forming the Danube Delta. It is the newest land in the country, with beaches expanding almost 65 feet into the sea every year. 
Overall, the delta is a triangular swampy area of marshes, floating reed islands and sandbanks. It is a UNESCO Biosphere Reservation as well as a protected wetland and natural habitat for rare species of plants and animals. 
For more information on the Danube Delta please visit 

» The Black Sea

The Romanian Black Sea Coast stretches a little over 150 miles.
The Black Sea is a continental sea, with a low tide and salinity and water temperatures of 77 - 79˚F in the summertime.  Its wide, sandy beaches facing east and south-east become a major tourist attraction from May until September.
For tourist information about the Black Sea please visit

» Rivers

98% of the Romania’s rivers spring from the Carpathian Mountains. The upper streams are usually more spectacular, featuring numerous gorges, caves and precipices.
The main rivers in Romania are Mures (473 miles on Romania's territory), Prut (461 miles on Romania's territory), Olt (382 miles), Siret (347 miles on Romania's territory), Ialomita (259 miles), Somes (233 miles on Romania's territory) and Arges (217 miles). In the east, river waters are collected by Siret and Prut rivers. In the south, waters flow directly into the Danube and in the west most of them are collected by Tisa River.
Europe’s second longest river, the Danube, flows through southern Romania forming part of the country’s frontier with Serbia, Bulgaria and Ukraine. Its blue waters run along 621 miles, from Bazias to the Black Sea. Virtually all of the country's rivers are tributaries to the Danube, either directly or indirectly.
The Danube is an important water route for domestic shipping, as well as international trade and tourist cruises. The main port, both for trade and tourism, is Constanta, linked to the Danube by a canal build in 1984. Tulcea, Galati, Calarasi, Giurgiu and Drobeta are other important river ports.  The nearest Danube river port to Bucharest is Giurgiu.  Older plans for construction of a 40 miles canal connecting Bucharest with the Danube River are now being re-considered by the Romanian Government.  
Romania Geography

» Lakes

There are around 3,500 lakes in Romania, most of them small or medium.
The largest are the lagoons and coastal lakes on the Black Sea shore, such as Razim (164 sq. miles) and Sinoe (66 sq. miles), or lakes along the Danube bank - Oltina (8.5 sq. miles); Brates (8.1 sq. miles).
Formed at the end of the last Ice Age, the glacial lakes in the Carpathian Mountainsare small, but spectacular. Worth mentioning are the glacial lakes in the Retezat Mountains: Zanoaga, the deepest lake in the country (95 feet) and Bucura, the largest (24.7 acres) as well as the lakes located in the Transylvanian Alps (Balea, Capra, Caltun, Podragu).
Lake St. Ana, located in Ciomatu Mare Massif, near Tusnad is the only volcanic lakein Romania, sheltered in a perfectly preserved crater and surrounded by vast fir-tree forests. The lake is solely fed by rain. Therefore, its waters are nearly as pure as distilled water. 
The Red Lake (elevation 3,215 feet), located in the Hasmas Massif, near Bicaz Gorges, is unique in shape and landscape. It is a natural dam lake created in 1837 after a major landslide. The name “Lacul Rosu” (Red Lake) comes from the reddish alluvia deposited by its main tributary.

» Flora and fauna

Due to its varied terrain and climate Romania has a diverse flora and fauna.
Over 3,700 species of plants and 33,792 species of animals can be found in Romania. 
Oak, beech, elm, ash, maple and linden made up 71 percent of Romania’s forests while conifers (fir, spruce, pine and larch) account for the remaining 29 percent.

» Soil and mineral resources

More than 58.000 square miles - almost two-thirds of the country's territory - are suitable for agriculture. Arable land accounts for about 40 percent, pastures for 19 percent, and vineyards and orchards represent some 5 percent of the total land area.
Significant oil reserves are concentrated at the foothills of southern and eastern Carpathians.  Oil reserves have also been discovered a few miles away from the Black Sea coast. Large deposits of natural gas are located in the Transylvanian Plateau.
There are important iron ore deposits in Poiana Rusca Mountains, Banat and Dobrogea regions, as well as in Harghita Mountains (Eastern Carpathians).  Most of the nonferrous metal reserves are concentrated in the northwest, particularly in Maramures and Apuseni Mountains. Some of the largest gold deposits in Europe are also located in Apuseni.  Large amounts of pure salt are located at: Slanic, Tîrgu Ocna, Ocna Mures, Praid and Cacica.